Recently a report was circulated stating that in 2015 and 2016, the vaping industry has seen a rise in its users over those of cannabis supporters. The report went on to state that the increase took place by 400%. This is a 6% increase since December 2015 to December 2016. Since cannabis has been legalized in some parts of the US, the vaping industry has had to contend with it on all fronts.
Juli Crockett, who is W Vapes’s chief compliance officer, says when questioned about the rise in vape users and the fall in cannabis, “It is clean and not messy”. She went on to say, “You do not have to have gear and there is not as much odor. It is a much more private way to meditate”.
Meanwhile, Roger Volodarsky who is the CEO of Puffco, which is another vaping company, agreed with Crockett and said, “Vaping is made to be easy and quick for users when they are on the go or at home. Whereas flower is a more involved process”.
For some people, vaping is a way to start them off puffing before moving on to the more serious business of cannabis smoking.
Crockett went on to say further, “When you are dealing with someone new to the industry, a high quality vaporizer is a lot milder, gentler and less scary than smoking raw flower. It is just like you would not start off drinking with a tequila shot”.
Another reason why some people are focusing on vaping more is because they have the advantage of concentrates that is allowing for more accurate dosing that usually carries greater effect. “As people are getting more educated and conscientious about what they are consuming, concentrates are growing in popularity,” Crocket added. “With concentrates and vaping, users know they are smoking something pesticide free, additive free and without undesirable side effects”. However, regardless of how mild she puts it; public safety is a big concern to everyone.
Volodarsky points out some concerns though and send a warning by saying, “Some pre-filled vaporizers offer no transparency about what is inside their cartridges”. He further went on to sound his warning by adding, “Make sure you know what you are buying by looking for a lab form that explains exactly what is in the product. It is pointless to purchase a product that could be bad for you”.
So where is the future of vaping and cannabis heading? For many experts in both industries, they are of the opinion that both the vaping and cannabis niches can develop in the field of science and even share the market together. “We are continually working to improve our processes, to really preserve the authenticity of the original flower,” Crockett remarked. “I see two branches of vaping coming: the purist, who will focus on specifics and healing properties within each strain and the experimentalist, who will focus on mixing strains to create certain effects”.
For both vaping and cannabis, the future is an exciting one and many players as well as consumers are playing a watch and waiting game to see which one will be more dominant in the market. Still for now, both products are under pressure from certain ‘do good people’ and legislators who might think that by eliminating them altogether, the world will be much better off.
With the almost new Donald Trump administration in place in the US, one would really want to play a wait and see game since Trump is already making changes across the country. Will he do anything about the vape or cannabis use, or will he leave things just as they are and watch it play out? For now though, the president elect has the power to destroy or to build either one.
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