
Vaping Side Effects

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Whether you just started vaping today or you’ve been a full-time vaper for years now, there are going to be certain side effects that you may have to deal with when you vape. More often than not, these side effects are very minor. But you should still be mindful of them so that they don’t become problematic for you.

Now, we don’t want to scare you here if you’re new to the vaping community, so we should point out that most of the side effects related to vaping don’t have anything to do with e-cigarettes or e-juices. Rather, they typically have to do with keeping your vaping equipment clean, taking care of your body before and after you vape, and being mindful about how much nicotine you use when vaping.

As long as you are aware of the side effects associated with vaping, you shouldn’t face any serious issues. Educating yourself about vaping is one of the most effective ways to ensure that you are vaping properly and using your vaping equipment the way it is intended to be used.

To assist you, we have come up with a list of 6 common side effects of vaping and listed exactly what you can do to prevent them. By doing something as simple as drinking an extra glass of water everyday or taking fewer drags on your e-cigarette per hour, you can avoid the side effects listed here. Happy vaping!


Side Effect: Dehydration
How to Prevent It: Make sure you’re drinking enough water daily

Is your urine a dark yellow on days when you vape or have you noticed that you have extremely dry skin on a regular basis? If so, you are probably dehydrated!

Dehydration is something that a large segment of the population, including those who don’t vape, is forced to deal with day in and day out. But it’s a concern that those who vape should always be mindful of, since vaping can make you more susceptible to being dehydrated.

There are many different symptoms of dehydration, and you should look out for them when you vape. We just listed a couple of them above, but you should also watch out for fatigue, dry eyes, and even just a general thirst. It you constantly feel like you could drink a gallon of water, chances are you are suffering from dehydration and need to do something about it.

The good thing about dehydration is that it’s pretty easy to avoid it. All you need to do is make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. When you plan to vape, carry a bottle of water around with you and sip on it so that you keep your water levels high enough. It will help you enjoy your entire vaping experience more.

Side Effect: Dry mouth
How to Prevent It: Check the PG level of your e-juice

Dry mouth is one of the many symptoms of dehydration. But it’s also a sign that you may be vaping with an e-juice that contains propylene glycol, which is commonly referred to as PG by those who vape.

PG is a hygroscopic liquid that is known for attracting water molecules and holding them tight. So when you vape with an e-liquid that contains a high level of PG, you will often notice that your mouth will feel extremely dry, since the PG takes the water molecules from your mouth and holds on to them.

This doesn’t mean that you should steer clear of e-liquids that contain PG. Rather, you should just be sure that you’re rehydrating your body when you use them, since you will often find that your mouth will get dry and stay dry all the time. And if it becomes a real problem, you should think about trying an e-liquid that contains a lower level of PG. That should remedy your issue.

Side Effect: Sore Throat
How to Prevent It: Avoid taking too many throat hits

As you perfect your vaping technique, you will come to enjoy what is known as a throat hit. A throat hit is the feeling that you get when the vapor from your e-cigarette hits the back of your throat. E-juices that contain high levels of PG are great for throat hits.

If you’re not an experienced vaper, though, throat hits can dry out your throat and result in a sore throat. This is because your throat will become very dry over time. Taking fewer throat hits is one way to cure this. Using an e-juice without a lot of PG is another way.

But for the most part, throat hits are one aspect of vaping that you will enjoy once you get used to them. Give yourself time and drink plenty of water as you learn to love them.

Side Effect: Headache
How to Prevent It: Scale back on your nicotine intake

When people first start vaping, they usually don’t know which nicotine level is best for them. So they often take a shot in the dark and pick the one they think would be best and then use it.

Occasionally, they’ll get by just fine with that particular level, but if you find that you are experiencing headaches often when you vape, you may be taking in too much nicotine at a time. Additionally, you may also be taking in too much nicotine over the course of a day if the headache persists.

A headache caused by too much nicotine will typically go away within an hour or so without any treatment. But if you get headaches a lot when you vape, you should think about cutting back on your nicotine intake or vaping a little less often.

You can go here to read more about the different nicotine levels in e-juices.

Side Effect: Coughing
How to Prevent It: Practice vaping more

Many people, even those who have smoked cigarettes in the past, will cough a lot when they vape for the first time. A study done back in 2005 showed that more than 50 percent of people reported coughing the first time they vaped.

So if you cough when you vape and you’re new to it, you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Chances are, you will stop coughing once your body gets a little bit more familiar with the vaping process.

If you continue coughing well into the future, though, you should take the time to analyze how you are vaping. Are you taking drags that last too long? Are you trying to inhale the vapor that comes out of your e-cigarette too quickly? Are you breathing enough between drags?

No one really knows for sure why vaping causes some people to cough and other people to be perfectly fine. But with practice, you should stop coughing after a few vaping sessions once you get the hang of it.

Side Effect: Vape Tongue
How to Prevent It: Change the flavor of your e-juice frequently

One day, you might be absolutely in love with your delicious cotton candy e-juice. The next? It doesn’t like anything! What’s wrong?

If this happens to you, you are experiencing what is called vape tongue. It’s a condition that takes place when you use the same e-juice over and over again. Fortunately, there are some easy cures for it, with the most effective one being simply changing the e-juice you’re using. You will be able to taste your e-juice again, and you will be able to go back to cotton candy (or whatever your favorite flavor is) later and taste it.

Don’t let vape tongue discourage you from vaping. You can use it to your advantage and take the time to try new e-juice flavors while you get over it.

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