The release came out this morning, declaring the provincial government has amended it’s Smoke-Free Ontario Act to limit smoking – and for the first time, vaping – to designated areas at specified government-owned properties, effective June 1.
There is one problem though: The release was sent out by mistake.
When asked about the release, Associate Minister of Health Dipika Damerla would only say the designated areas are not in effect yet.
“None of the regulations around that have been proclaimed yet. This was sent out prematurely and in error,” she said.

It’s an error that tips the government’s hand and gives us an idea of what is in store. The release explains smokers and vapers will be separated “to provide e-cigarette users a smoke-free area.”
The Associate Health Minister refused to speculate if areas will also be designated for medical marijuana.
Meanwhile, a sign showing a designated vaping area, shown above, has been erected outside The Macdonald Block at Bay and Wellesley streets.
The release included a map of all the planned designated smoking areas (DSA) and designated vaping areas (DVA).

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